
Showing posts with the label Personal Growth

Why did I delete all my Social Media Accounts

Why did I delete all my Social Media Accounts? And when do I plan to be back on the grid?      Social Media has brought the world together and has been very profitable for many people, especially the creator community and those invested in them and those responsible for actually building them altogether. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Clubhouse are some of the most famous one's out there and there is a dark secret behind this. Image Courtesy -  Unsplash (@ stereophototyp )      But before we get into what made these garage startups into multi-million companies, let me just put it upfront that I do not recommend everyone to delete social media and become a Digital Minimalist. This is very much a personal preference and if you can leverage the power of Social Media to your benefit without getting caught up in the endless loop of scrolling down (which is highly unlikely but still) I would not recommend it to everyone reading this blog post and t...

Why did I delete all my Social Media Accounts

Why did I delete all my Social Media Accounts? And when do I plan to be back on the grid?      Social Media has brought the world together and has been very profitable for many people, especially the creator community and those invested in them and those responsible for actually building them altogether. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Clubhouse are some of the most famous one's out there and there is a dark secret behind this. Image Courtesy -  Unsplash (@ stereophototyp )      But before we get into what made these garage startups into multi-million companies, let me just put it upfront that I do not recommend everyone to delete social media and become a Digital Minimalist. This is very much a personal preference and if you can leverage the power of Social Media to your benefit without getting caught up in the endless loop of scrolling down (which is highly unlikely but still) I would not recommend it to everyone reading this blog post and t...

How I get 3 more Hours Everyday - A Guide to Waking up Early in the Morning!

How I get 3 more Hours Everyday - A Guide to Waking up Early in the Morning.!!          Before I tell you, How waking up early can change your life, let me tell you, there happens to be a natural body clock for every single human being which regulates their energy levels throughout the day and night. That's why some people can naturally wake up early in the morning and others can stay up all night and be productive.         Based on this, People can be classified as LARKS and OWLS. Those who wake up early in the morning and have high energy levels early in the day are LARKS and OWLS are people who can stay up late in the night and work with high efficiency.         Now with this basic foundation, let's jump into my story! Growing up I was a LAZY LAD! I didn't like waking up early, and for good reasons of course! The bed felt so cosy, warm and soft early in the morning. I mean, If you are a normal person, You know...

The Battle within Ourselves #2 - Turning today's Weakness, into tomorrow's Strength

  Turning Today's WEAKNESS, Into Tomorrow's STRENGTH!          This story is really close to my heart! It is about a Boy who was a shy lad, who wouldn't share his opinions and thoughts even with his parents. He was the kid who would bottle down every single feeling of love, anger, anxiety, and every other feeling. That's just who he was. And, talking or interacting was not the best suit for him. In his early middle school days, he sucked at talking to his own batchmates. Let alone interacting with his teachers. That's just how he was. He didn't like talking to people, would find a corner seat to avoid chitchats, and simply wait for the bell to go and somehow get by the day.! Though he happened to be a good student, who would participate in group discussions and quizzes and answered all the questions asked promptly, but that was all. He couldn't do anything beyond that.          You must be wondering by now, If I am telling you ...

The Battle within Ourselves #1 - Log Kya Kahenge

'Log Kya Kahenge' Syndrome      We all know that popular guy or girl in our class, who has perfect hair, excellent communication skills and almost every desirable quality we can think of, everybody feels that why they aren't like that at some point or other in their life. You can be a bit too healthy, or a bit too skinny, You can be a spectacle-wearing, frail-looking, oily haired Scholar or a funny, outgoing, well-groomed person with a chiselled jawline, but not very keen on Studies. You could very well be the introvert guy, who could only get girls in his dreams, or you can be the extroverted guy or girl who is the centre of attraction, the one who has a massive following because they look so perfect, but can lack the ability to disappear for a while, stay put and work on their craft with the inhuman focus. Well, that's a piece of cake for introverts.           If you look closely, You can be anything or anyone from the above example...