Why did I delete all my Social Media Accounts

Why did I delete all my Social Media Accounts? And when do I plan to be back on the grid?      Social Media has brought the world together and has been very profitable for many people, especially the creator community and those invested in them and those responsible for actually building them altogether. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Clubhouse are some of the most famous one's out there and there is a dark secret behind this. Image Courtesy -  Unsplash (@ stereophototyp )      But before we get into what made these garage startups into multi-million companies, let me just put it upfront that I do not recommend everyone to delete social media and become a Digital Minimalist. This is very much a personal preference and if you can leverage the power of Social Media to your benefit without getting caught up in the endless loop of scrolling down (which is highly unlikely but still) I would not recommend it to everyone reading this blog post and t...

The Battle within Ourselves #1 - Log Kya Kahenge

'Log Kya Kahenge' Syndrome

    We all know that popular guy or girl in our class, who has perfect hair, excellent communication skills and almost every desirable quality we can think of, everybody feels that why they aren't like that at some point or other in their life. You can be a bit too healthy, or a bit too skinny, You can be a spectacle-wearing, frail-looking, oily haired Scholar or a funny, outgoing, well-groomed person with a chiselled jawline, but not very keen on Studies. You could very well be the introvert guy, who could only get girls in his dreams, or you can be the extroverted guy or girl who is the centre of attraction, the one who has a massive following because they look so perfect, but can lack the ability to disappear for a while, stay put and work on their craft with the inhuman focus. Well, that's a piece of cake for introverts.

        If you look closely, You can be anything or anyone from the above examples. Some people might even argue that they can relate to more than one of the above examples. But, NONE!! and I repeat it... NONE OF YOU CAN BE EVERYTHING. Don't believe me, try going through those examples again and see for yourself. You might be able to picture someone from your class who matches exactly those examples. But, NONE WILL MATCH ALL THE QUALITIES...
But let me tell you a little secret. You ready..!! While you might be asking the Almighty, why he created you the way he did and criticize him for not making you like Sharma Ji ka Beta or Mishra Ji ki Beti... What you might not know is!!
        How do I know! Well, here is my argument! Do you really care what clothes I wore while I was writing this blog! Does it really matter to you if I Voice-typed this blog from a mobile phone and not actually typed it like it should be!! Does it bother you that I have watched every single episode of the Dragon Ball series way before it came to India (for those who don't know, It's an Anime!!... Yes!! watch and love Anime.. Bite me!). May be with Dragon Ball Z, I might be stretching the limits here, but let me tell you what is going through my mind while I am Voice-Typing it for the blog!..

'I completely dressed up in formal attire as If I was supposed to go to a Wedding right now... I also feel like I am being an Imposter for Voice-typing this instead of actually punching in the keys! and for the Dragon Ball Z stuff!!! well I really don't give a damn about what you think there! I just put that in to brag about how I have watched one of the best Anime's and you haven't.'

        Alright, My point here is while you do not actually care about all those stuff. But in my head, I think you do, and That's where the problem is. We are wasting our energy trying to look like somebody we are not, while we are trying to keep up with the trends on social media, trying to be the Kardashians or the Jones of our city, state or country, we are missing out on every single thing we can do for ourselves and be a better version of what we were yesterday.
'If there's one thing I could wish for everyone on this planet.. It would be self AWARENESS!!' 
-Gary Vaynerchuk (CEO VaynerX, Chairman Vaynermedia)

        Now that we have established that it really doesn't matter what others think of you... Then what actually matters?? Let me give you a hint,
' Y O U ! ! !' YOU MATTER!! 
        Several studies have shown How you feel about yourself, How you carry yourself, and How you think of yourself are one of the leading factors in your overall success and happiness index. You could talk trash about yourself and feel all messed up and wallow into the trenches of Self-Pity and stay depressed and unproductive, somehow manage to get by life and wait for Death, Or You can stand tall, pull your shoulders back, lift your face up, and start uplifting yourself. And it's really very easy! To be honest... it's something so basic that most of us usually just ignore it. And look, where we are now!!! All you have to do is stop thinking about this one thing...
        That's the first step I want you to take today itself... Hell... Leave this blog post right now and go into your bathroom.. Look into the mirror and say these words out LOUD 3 times!!
'DUDE!! I AM AWESOME AND I LOOK SEXY!!!' (and wink to yourself!😉)
        Do it!! What are you thinking of!!! OH!!! I See...
'What my Parents would think of me... What my brother, sister or my Uncle's Daughter's Mother's Grandmother's Friend's Aunt's Step-Sister's Great Grandchild would think!!! Or maybe you're just too lazy to change your life, aren't you?'

        You see... That's what I am talking about, and that needs to change... Come ON!! don't tell me you are afraid of even going to the bathroom alone and speaking to yourself, Are you? Are you?? Then GO!! NOW!! Do it!!

        That's much better!!! Now do this every single morning! Just look into the mirror and say these words out LOUD 3 times!!
'DUDE!! I AM AWESOME AND I LOOK SEXY!!!' (and wink to yourself!😉)
        This small ritual has changed my life and it will surely change your life too!! Comment down below "Aye Ahad!!!" when you are done with this small ritual!

        So that's about it for now. Thank you so much for sticking to the end! I hope to meet you in my next blog post, but before we depart, I would like to tell you that...
"You are Sexy!😍"

I Changed my tagline just for this post!!! You better perform this ritual every single morning!!